ROME, Maj 12th 2005
It is ascertained, on the base of the most recent scientific searches in diabetological field, that the illness, even if characterized by a prevailing disorder of the glucidic metabolism, is a metabolic syndrome in which all metabolisms (particularly lipidic one) and proteins are involved. I consider that they are essential of the dietary interventions that are able to balance the metabolic situation.
Without doubt assumption of correct quantities of vitamins is able to determine positive effects.
The vitamins are, in fact, metabolic activators that, turning into the corresponding coenzymes, intervene in the metabolic reactions activating and strengthening them.
The various coenzymes, NAD, FAD, CoA, TPP, practice a fundamental function in the metabolism of the glucides, of the lipids, of the proteins and accordingly in the all energetic metabolism.
The Metabolic Syndrome (MS) is a condition phenotypical characterized by the presence of a cluster of different factors of metabolic and/or cardiovascular risk. Such condition, described for the first time by Raven in 1988, it recognizes in the insulin-resistance the "primum movens" of the clinical and laboratorial procession that characterizes it.
In the World, the most diffused and increasing epidemic of obesity is associates to a big increase of the prevalence and incidence of the MS; It is seems the genetic predisposition to have a conclusive role. While for the definition of the insulin-resistance the methodologies of laboratory are of some help allowing to quantify the sensibility of the peripheral tissues to the insulin, the MS recognizes, in the comparison of the pragmatism of clinical and laboratorial criterions, the prerequisites for the diagnosis. Particularly, according to the indications of the National Cholesterol Education Program Adult Treatment Panel III (ATP III), typically the MS includes: increase of bodily weight, hyperglycemia, arterial hypertension, low plasmatic concentrations of cholesterol HDL, hypertriglyceridemia.
Drawn from book Professor Alberto Fidanza Geniale Scienziato
Edizioni Borgia
Edited by Professor Alberto Fidanza's Foundation